The art of enjoying at Valkenburg a / d Geul!
On Saturday, March 15, 2025, Kunst in Valkenburg (KIV) will open its doors for the 17th time. KIV Inside 2025 takes place until Sunday 30 March and, unlike other years, is only open on weekends
(Fri/Sat/Sun). You can visit KIV Inside on weekdays only by appointment. KIV Inside will again take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the beautiful spaces of the cloister of Château St. Gerlach
and the treasuries of the St. Gerlachus Church.
KIV Inside and outside
has now become famous among art-lovers and in 2025 we hope to receive thousands of visitors. They come to admire exclusive and high-quality sculptures and paintings by renowned artists from The Netherlands and abroad. Works of famous artist like Jos van Vreeswijk, Patrick Creyghton Saskia Pfaeltzer, Ger Lataster, Arno Rutten, Isabelle Scheltjens, Charles Eyck, David Gerstein, Sjef Hutschemakers, Nic Jonk and Joseph Cals (whose works were previously presented at TEFAF) are shown on KIV inside. Besides in March, the whole province of Zuid-Limburg, is devotes to Art. That attracts many Art lovers from home and abroad to our region and thus to KIV Inside-Outside 2024!
Entrance € 10.00
KiV Outside
The outdoor exhibition KIV Outside at Château St. Gerlach's estate can be visited continuously and will run until KIV 2026 (again in March).
Entrance are free
Spend the night in the vicinity of KiV?